Very glad you stretched the definition of dirtbag for this one. It’s a joyous read and only improved by all the Ferris Bueller comparisons.

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Lafayette was AMAZING! Lovelovelove him! Here’s a true story from the American Revolution (researched him while in college in Baltimore & writing TV vignettes in Maryland history): While visiting Baltimore in 1781, a ball was thrown for this French hero. But he wasn’t dancing & looked sad. When asked by the ladies why he wouldn’t dance, he replied “I cannot enjoy the gaiety of the scene while so many of the poor soldiers are in want of clothes.” The women of Baltimore went to work the next morning in that very ballroom, making over 500 garments for the army. Lafayette’s letter of thanks arrived July 3. Gotta love this man!

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I didn’t know I how much I needed to learn so much about this man until I learned so much about this man! Thank you so much for brightening up my day!

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So Lafayette sent one of the keys to the Bastille to Washington and it still hangs on the wall in Mount Vernon today.

When Lafayette did his 50th anniversary tour of the US, he visited Richmond, VA and one of the junior color guard that accompanied him around Richmond was Edgar Allan Poe.

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Another Baltimore connection! (Yes, Poe had Richmond connections, too)

That reminds me - Hey Allison! How about dirtbag Edgar Allen Poe??? They still don’t know how/why he died & what led up to his demise. Got kicked out of West Point. Wrote the first detective story & first science fiction story. Married a young cousin. Drunkard. Brilliant. Macabre.

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Bravo...and if you are looking for a prime Seven Years War Dirtbag - it was the First World War, before the First World War was the First World War - you could do worse than look at King George II of Great Britain. You might be able to spot that he was related to King George IV, but he was also married to one of the coolest Queens of all time.

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Dirtbags Through History makes me laugh (and learn of course!) so much. Thank you 😀

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This was the cutest couple I had never heard of until now. What do you mean Marie Adrienne volunteered to go to jail to be with him?? They took till death do us apart and stuck with it. Thank you for sharing this wholesome story, because I also agree that "dirbag" was a bit far fetched for Lafayette .

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What a fantastic romp!

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Quick! Make the biopic!

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This is amazing!

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Sadly, most Americans only recognize the name of Lafayette as that of a city in Louisiana.

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I've been reading about American Revolutionary history and my objective (Canadian, never read about this before) hot take had been: Lafayette was rad. Glad to see I was right!

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Great read, thank you

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Lafayette was a real one. Loving the later season 'i guess it's time to save the world *again*' vibes.

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I loved this. Definitely not too long and I learned a lot of dirtbagology facts! :-)

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