I love that you were able to include a reference to vegan milkshakes while writing a reflection on this poor weirdo!

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Thank you for your wonderful writing, Allison. I have not stopped laughing while reading this! It utterly beggars belief that any of this could have happened but my life definitely feels improved for knowing about it.

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All I can think is that he must have been the inspiration for Carl Douglas’s “everybody was kung-fu fighting”

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Once I got the earworm from the title out of my head, that’s where I went too! (Closely followed by “Kung Fu” by Ash, but that’s more of a love letter to classic cheesy Kung fu movies)

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Kung Fu is such a great song!

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Ashida Kim was another one of these martial arts loons, er, dirtbags. His whole thing was the mysteeeeeeeerious DAHk AHts of the NEENjaaaaa.... /cue Japanese flute and woodblock/

I was a martial arts student for about a decade & a half and guys like this would insist on popping up everywhere. We’d always say say they “took a left turn into ninja-land”...

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this is a whole subculture of That Guy that I didn't even know existed, and I'm afraid to learn more about it

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It’s a whole universe of douchebaggery, wrapped up in the Macho Bozo Dojo. It extends to white guys being racist and/or mounting cameras in the women’s changing rooms, too. Wild stuff.

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Hold on, hold on, HOLD ON!! So, is this where the lunatic dojo vs dojo scenario came from?! Like Karate Kid?!?! As a kid, I had an unhinged fear of being in the crossfire of such a battle as there were a few dojos around my town, but I was informed by a classmate who was in judo that dojo wars were a myth! I was lied to!!!!!

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Thanks for such a good laugh. The word unhinged seems to be coming up a lot in my life lately.

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This sounds like a deranged cross between “The Warriors” and “The Karate Kid” and I am here for it.

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